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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

At Peace


Shirley and I have been blessed with four offspring, three sons, and a daughter. In 2018 we lost Alexander, who took his own life at age 33. While we knew that Alex had problems, we were shocked by his suicide. Jamie's passing, at 44, has been an entirely different story. Photo is of Jamie with our granddaughter Brynn (8).
After a three-year fight against an aggressive metastatic cancer, Jamie's death was not a surprise. He had fought with courage and determination through several major surgeries, radiation treatments that cost him the sight in his left eye , and chemotherapy. He fought for his wife Amy, and for their three children, Brynn, Killian (6), and Elliott (4). At the end, Jamie passed in his sleep, with his wife, Amy, and sister, Piper, at his bedside. Sleep in peace, dear JJ. We shall love you, forever.

1 comment:

  1. Photo by Piper McDougall.


Please use no profanity in your comments. My granddaughter and other young people will be reading this blog. Thank you.