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Friday, March 23, 2012

Feeling the Blues

As Spring Break 2012 comes to an end, I am wondering if it was a mistake to stay home and try to muster the gumption to clean the basement. If I'd driven south I would have been too busy to think about the stuff that has been churning around in my head this week.

Friends are in Florida, sending back links to Ft. Lauderdale scenes, our son Jamie in Orlando has been on the phone to discuss his and Amy's house hunting, and I am here in New Hampshire, where we are having beautiful spring weather, buried in a dusty, musty cellar poring through mildewed Harvard Business School MBA case files from 1968-70, Boston University teaching and research and consulting files from the 1980s, PSC/PSU course files and student records from 1976-80 and 92 to the present, and, basically, throwing away my past in hopes of...

Of what?

I guess maybe I had a case of The Blues.  I am not really sure, because I pretty much live life as a "cockeyed optimist."  Still, I had some pretty strong  low feelings last night.  Actually, I lay awake for a few hours, which is extremely rare for me.

So this morning, like a fireman to the rescue, my New Trier classmate, Jim Kucera, posted this link on our New Trier '61 Facebook page:

 Jim Kucera
Dont Be Ashamed Of Your Age, 60years old John Prine and 82years!! old Mac Wiseman
The Blog's moral is thus reinforced: There are no coincidences.

I'll hang in there, Lord, because You keep making it so plain that You still want me around.  Thankful for this life, I'll smile, too!

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