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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The new adventure

I have taken a break from blogging, with only a few exceptions, since returning from "A Fulbright Year in Romania" in June of 2009. It is now April of 2010, and I am reentering the Blogosphere because a new set of life changes and adventures is about to begin which I expect I will want to record while fresh in my memory, and will want to get teary over as future years unfold. These changes and adventures include:
  1. At the end of this academic year I will be in the Retirement Transition Program at Plymouth State University (PSU). This means that I have gone onto a half-time contract with PSU.
  2. I have accepted an offer from Babeș-Bolyai University to teach in Cluj next fall, and Shirley and I will be living there again come September.
  3. Shirley, our youngest son Alex and I are going on a tour of much of southern Europe this spring to celebrate these events.
  4. Our oldest son, Jamie, is going to be married in Orlando in November, requiring us to make yet a third transatlantic round trip this year.
So, I am here in Blogspot once again. I expect that this blog will be more private than was my last, so if you hear of it and want to be a reader, please e-mail me, and I will try to grant you access.

Thanks to all.

Duncan C. McDougall

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