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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Certainty Stimulates!

My Fulbright application for this coming fall failed in the final phase, funding.

Da, da, da, da, life goes on!

On our way to Florida, Shirl, Alex and I stopped at the library of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle. Pennsylvania, last week, and found a book entitled 13th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, April 1942 - March 1946, by Cpl. Larry Hough.  It was all we had hoped for, a chronicle of Basil Kimball's unit in WWII, from their landing at Utah Beach until VE Day, when they met with their Ukranian Army allies at the Czechoslovakian border.  We now have a path to follow as we carry out our plan for next month, as described in an earlier post.

I have been invited to Cluj-Napoca, Romania for a conference early in June, so I may change plans and take part, and while at UBB/FSEGA also present some of what my Fulbright project was about to their faculty members.  Perhaps my FSEGA colleagues and I we can accomplish privately much of what would have been done under the auspices of the Fulbright program, had my grant come through.

A wonderful Romanian colleague and friend of ours will be visiting us in New Hampshire in mid-June.

I shall be attending the Annual Conference of the ACBSP in Chicago late in June.

I shall not be retiring this June, but instead shall be teaching again in the fall at Plymouth State University.

Shirl, our son Alex, and I are presently in Orlando at the home of our son Jamie and his family, wife Amy and our granddaughter Brynn. 

Yesterday, we were in Miami at the home of son Brian and his family, wife Nika and our grandson Moses.

If losing out on the Fulbright grant is going to be a "downer" for me, I have yet to feel its first hint!

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