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Friday, November 13, 2015

Recognition Reception at PSU

Yesterday afternoon, in a cold rain, I walked from my parking space at Speare Hall across the canpus' main quadrangle to Heritage Commons, a hall on the ground floor of Hall Dorm used for faculty meetings, and modestly-sized campus events.  My reason for being there was an invitation received a month or so ago, to be "recognized" as a 2015 retiree from Plymouth State University.

It was a very nice event.  Significant to me was an opportunity to meet Dr. Donald Birx, the university's recently-appointed president.  Also significant was the opportunity to learn of all my retiring colleagues, most of whom I have known, liked, and respected since first teaching full-time at PSU in 1976.  The University has lost a lot of talent to retirement this year, but I have faith that you younger teachers, coaches, and support-department folks will prove every bit as loyal, caring and competent as were we who have just left your ranks.

When she spoke so kindly of my PSU career, our new College of Business Administration (CoBA) Chairperson, Dr. Robyn Parker, captured the gist of it. But after she spoke, I made so bold as to mention two of my business experiences in the Plymouth vicinity that had contributed to my teaching career: I had served in Campton as plant manager of the Beebe River Bobbin Mill of the Draper Division of Rockwell International from 1972 to 1975, located about five miles to the north of Plymouth, and I had served from 1988 to 1992 as president of the Rochester Shoe Tree Co., Inc, in Ashland, about five miles south of Plymouth.  I mentioned these experiences because I guessed that some of the people in the room had relatives who had also worked in those local industrial companies, and because those managerial experiences had contributed profoundly to my ability to teach business.

Someday soon I must draw a timeline of my entire career.  It has included many jobs in industry, and many academic activities.  I have been blessed, both with a great family, and a great career.

Thanks be to God!  (Let no one see me as ungrateful.)